Traditional German Folk Dances

This video demonstrates traditional German Folk dancing that has been passed down through generations. As generations pass dances like these are unfortunately being lost. Many thanks to Marlene Fricker who provided this video in order preserve a few of these dances.


2 comments on “Traditional German Folk Dances

  1. there are a lot of traditional folk dance in the world. I can name it one in my country, it’s balinese traditional dance. you can read more about this traditional exotic dance here

    and maybe you can visit Bali someday in the holiday..

    • Thank you for sharing your traditional dance with me an the readers on this site.
      Dance has been a major part of expression since the beginning of time.
      I believe it’s a way for cultures to speak to each other without saying a word.
      This way of speaking can say more than words and help other cultures understand the dance of another.
      I hope everyone will take the time to watch the video on your site as well as the video on mine.
      Through doing this there may be another kind of understand.

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